Friday, September 22, 2017

It's time to enjoy autumn!

Instead of pumpkins galore
mums galore,

I decided on

FERNS galore

for an inviting entrance.

The green ferns look awesome with the black rockers.

I didn't  think I would find ferns this time of the year, but I did.

I swapped out all orange hues for plum and floral pillows

  Now they both have a seasonal look against the rockers too.

Pillows can do wonders.  I just borrowed them from the inside. 

I can't count the times I stood back to edit.


I got the green light to proceed with my ferns , I began snipping away the brown leaves and stagging the height of each pot for an elegant presence.

I began to show off my personality and style.

It was just as much fun preparing  my autumn porch as it is sharing.

I am so pleased with the look, 

  an autumn porch you will never want to leave.

Could this be more inviting


Thanks for stopping by.
Until the next time.


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